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基于数字化运营体系的企业级运营监控平台 设计与实现
(深圳供电局有限公司,广东 深圳 518000)

摘  要:从企业管理的角度出发,针对深圳供电局各ERP 系统的核心数据未实现整合而无法充分发挥资产价值、手工方式采集经营指标等业务痛点,采用建立企业级运营监控平台的方法,深度融合前沿云大物移智技术,实现实时在线监控核心指标、关键流程、重点任务等,及时通报精准预警,完成问题闭环处理。实践证明,企业级运营监控平台作为深圳供电局数字化工具,支撑业务经营运作,持续提升企业运营效率和效益,切实有效提升公司经营管理水平。


中图分类号:TP311.5         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2020)02-0170-03

Design and Implementation of Enterprise-level Operation Monitoring Platform Based on Digital Operation System

LI Houen,HUANG Anzi,ZHANG Yunxiang,YU Licheng

(Shenzhen Power Supply Bureau Co.,Ltd.,Shenzhen 518000,China)

Abstract:From the perspective of enterprise management,the core data of the Shenzhen Power Supply Bureau’s ERP systems have not been integrated and cannot fully utilize asset value,and manually collect business indicators and other business pain points. The method of establishing an enterprise-level operation monitoring platform is adopted for deep integration advanced technology of cloud,big things and intelligence transfer,real-time online monitoring of core indicators,key processes,key tasks,etc.,timely notification of accurate early warning,and complete closed-loop processing of problems. Practice has proved that the enterprise-level operation monitoring platform,as a digital tool of Shenzhen Power Supply Bureau,supports business operations,continuously improves the efficiency and effectiveness of enterprise operations,and effectively improves the company's management level.

Keywords:enterprise management;artificial intelligence;operational monitoring;visualization;data assets


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