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​思维导图联合“QC 工具”在质量问题分析中的应用
(南京康尼机电股份有限公司,江苏 南京 210013)

摘  要:文章旨在发掘思维导图在质量问题分析中的应用和成效,主要介绍了思维导图的概念、思维导图与新“QC 七大工具”的关联、应用领域和主流软件。通过康尼机电股份有限公司(后续简称“康尼公司”)漏装胶条的质量问题实例,展示了利用思维导图软件,结合头脑风暴等质量工具,进行问题分析和可视化展现,输出根原因,制定有效措施。提高质量问题分析能力和效率。

关键词:思维导图;QC 工具;质量问题分析

中图分类号:TP399         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2020)05-0097-05

Application of Mind Mapping Combined with “QC tool” in Quality Problem Analysis


(Nanjing Kangni Mechanical & Electronic Co.,Ltd.,Nanjing 210013,China)

Abstract:This paper aims to explore the application and effect of mind mapping in quality problem analysis. It mainly introduces the concept and application field of mind mapping and mainstream software and the relationship between mind mapping and new “seven QC tools”. Through the actual quality problem of Nanjing Kangni Mechanical & Electronic Co.,Ltd.(short for Kangni Company in the following passage),showing that the problem was analyzed and visualized by using mind mapping software and quality tools such as brainstorming to output root causes and formulate effective measures. Improve quality problem analysis ability and efficiency.

Keywords:mind mapping;QC tool;quality problem analy


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