摘 要:BIM 是目前中国建筑业发展的新方向和必然选择。各建筑企业都在积极探索新型建筑信息化的道路。以某综合实训大楼为例,展开建筑工程基于 BIM 的施工全过程管理应用研究。通过分析 BIM 应用过程及对于建筑工程的指导工作,充分表明 BIM 技术在建筑行业工程施工、质量管理、施工管理等方面的突出应用价值,为建筑行业的智能化应用提供参考。
中图分类号:TP391.9 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2020)05-0105-04
Application of BIM Technology in the Whole Process of Construction Management
——Take a Comprehensive Training Building as an Example
WEI Qizhi,LI Yao,HUANG Longjie,SONG Ting,ZENG Huiyu
(Hunan City University,Yiyang 413000,China)
Abstract:BIM is a new direction and inevitable choice for the development of China’s construction industry. All construction enterprises are actively exploring the road of new building informatization. Taking a comprehensive training building as an example,this paper studies the application of BIM based construction process management. Through the analysis of BIM application process and guidance for construction engineering,the outstanding application value of BIM Technology in construction industry,quality management,construction management,etc. is fully indicated. It can provide reference for intelligent application of construction industry.
Keywords:BIM;building information model;construction process management
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