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(大理技师学院,云南 大理 671006)

摘  要:人事档案是我国人事管理制度的一项重要特色,技工院校人事档案管理信息化建设具有重要意义。在大数据时代,随着信息化的深度应用,技工院校人事档案管理工作需要紧跟时代发展的脚步,按照档案管理条例的规定,以信息化建设为方向,加大软硬件投入,加强信息安全防范,发挥技工院校的人才优势,提升人事档案管理的效率。


中图分类号:G270.7         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2020)06-0138-03

The Informatization Construction of Personnel File Management in Technical Colleges

LI Xingyun

(Dali Technical College,Dali 671006,China)

Abstract:Personnel file is an important feature of the personnel management system in China,and the informatization construction of personnel file management in technical colleges is of great significance. In the era of big data,with the in-depth application of information technology,personnel file management in technical colleges needs to keep pace with the pace of the development of the times. According to the regulations on file management,in the direction of information construction,increase investment in software and hardware, strengthen information security,give full play to the talent advantages of technical colleges,and improve the efficiency of personnel file management.

Keywords:technical college;information construction;personnel file management


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