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浅析如何运用QQ 软件辅助教学
(项城市教师进修学校,河南 项城 466200)

摘  要:自1992 年QQ 软件被开发以来,短短的十五年时间,得到广泛使用,其强大的功能和出色的服务深受用户的喜爱,对人们的学习、生活、工作等方面产生了深远的影响。伴随着智能计算机和智能手机的全面普及,有线和无线网络的全面覆盖,尤其是4G 网络的不断推广,网络传播速率的快速提升,使得QQ 成为教育工作者和学习者实现远程交流的重要工具,它为教学 改革和发展带来了创新思路和便利条件。在今后的教育中,QQ 在教育教学中的应用势必会引起教学模式、教育方式等一系列的重大变革。如果教师能够充分利用该软件功能多样、操作简单的优势,实现教学模式的转变,将大大提高学生的学习积极性和课堂效率。

关键词:QQ 工具;在线讨论;教育教学;沟通交流

中图分类号:G434         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2018)04-0122-03

An Analysis of How to Use QQ Software to Assist Teaching
(Xiangcheng Teacher Education School,Xiangcheng 466200,China)

Abstract:Since the development of the QQ software in 1992,the QQ has been widely used in fifteen years. Its powerful functions and excellent service are deeply loved by everyone. It has produced a profound impact on people's learning,life and work. With the comprehensive popularization of intelligent computers and smart phones,the comprehensive coverage of wired and wireless networks,especially the continuous promotion of 4G network and the rapid promotion of network transmission rate,has made QQ an important tool for educators and learners to realize remote communication. It has brought opportunities and convenience for the reform and development of teaching. In the future education,the application of QQ in education and teaching will inevitably lead to a series of major changes in teaching mode,education mode and so on. If teachers can make full use of the advantages of various functions and simple operation of the software and realize the transformation of teaching mode,the studelearning enthusiasm and classroom
efficiency will be greatly improved.

Keywords:QQ tools;online discussion;education and teaching;communication


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