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(吉林省图书馆,吉林 长春 130000)

摘  要:随着我国社会经济的不断发展与科技的不断进步,信息技术已经融入人们的生活,并成为不可分割的一部分,其 中微信软件和人工智能的兴起受到大众的普遍欢迎,并被广泛应用于生活以及工作之中。通过建立微信公众平台,图书馆的阅读推广工作取得了非常明显的成效。人工智能极大地简化了图书馆的日常服务工作。与传统的图书馆工作方式相比,这是对工作方法的一种创新,也是未来图书馆工作发展的主要方向。本文简单阐释了将微信公众平台和人工智能应用在图书馆工作中的必要性,并对其实际应用进行了分析与探讨,以期为广大图书馆工作者提供必要的工作借鉴与帮助。


中图分类号:G252         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2018)04-0138-03

The Transformation of Library Services under the Information Society Environment
ZHOU Mengqiu
(Jilin Province Library,Changchun 130000,China)

Abstract:With the continuous development of China’s social economy and the continuous advancement of science and technology,information technology has been integrated into people’s lives and become an integral part of it. The rise of WeChat software and artificial intelligence has been widely welcomed by the public and has been widely used. Living and working. Through the establishment of the WeChat public platform,the reading and promotion work of the library has achieved very significant results. Through artificial intelligence,the daily service work of the library has been greatly simplified. Compared with the traditional way of working in the library,this is an innovation of working methods and the main direction of library work development in the future. This article briefly explains the necessity of applying the WeChat public platform and artificial intelligence in library work,and analyzes and discusses the practical application of the WeChat public platform in order to provide the necessary reference and assistance for the library workers.

Keywords:information society environment;library service transformation


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