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基于微信小程序的高校后勤报修系统 ——以湖北职业技术学院为例的设计与实现
(湖北职业技术学院,湖北 孝感 432000)

摘  要:当前社会进入信息化时代,智能化校园的建设已成为高校关注的重点。针对目前高校学生和教职工在日常学习生活中遇到水电门窗等维修事件,开发了一款基于微信小程序的高校后勤报修系统,解决纸质信息传递不及时的问题,尽可能避免因维修不及时导致的人员事故和伤亡。该系统微信端采用JS 语言开发,数据库使用MySQL,后台服务端采用Java 语言开发。


中图分类号:TP311.5         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2020)23-0130-04

University Logistics Repair System Based on WeChat Applet

——The Design and Implementation of Hubei Polytechnic Institute as an Example

XIAO Zhibing,WANG Liang,WANG Xiaohong

(Hubei Polytechnic Institute,Xiaogan 432000,China)

Abstract:The current society has entered the era of information,the construction of intelligent campus has become the focus of attention in universities. In view of the maintenance events from water,electricity,doors and windows encountered by university students and staff in their daily study and life,a university logistics repair system based on a WeChat applet is developed to solve the timeliness problem of the paper information transmission and avoid the personnel accidents and casualties caused by failing to maintain facilities in time as possible as it can. The WeChat end of the system is developed with JS language,the database is developed with MySQL,and the background service end is developed with Java language.

Keywords:intelligent campus;WeChat applet;logistics repair

基金项目:2020 年湖北职业技术学院校级重点课题(2020A02)


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