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(湖南工程职业技术学院,湖南 长沙 410151)

摘  要:在基于叙事环境的历史城区改造与特色城镇规划辅助平台中,设计了用户感知数据管理模块,该模块利用大数据和人工智能技术等新一代信息技术,通过采集网络平台的用户评论数据,对文本和图像进行分类处理,提取公众的行为特征和视觉喜好信息,让公众参与历史城区改造和特色城镇规划活动。实践证明,该设计提取的文本和图像统计数据,为城市规划和管理人员提供重要参考,能使历史城区改造和特色城镇规划更符合公众意愿,让公众满意,让政府满意。



课题项目:2017 年度湖南省教育厅科学研究 项目:基于叙事环境的历史城区改造时空数据建 模与可视化研究(17C0415)

中图分类号:TP391.1                                 文献标识码:A                                      文章编号:2096-4706(2021)03-0110-04

Research on the Application of New Generation Information Technology in Planning Assistant Platform

TANG Shaohua

(Hunan Vocational College of Engineering,Changsha 410151,China)

Abstract:In the assistant platform of historical urban renewal and characteristic town planning based on narrative environment, the user perception data management module is designed. The module uses big data and artificial intelligence technology and other new generation information technology to collect the user comment data of the network platform,classify the text and image,extract the public behavior characteristics and visual preference information,and let the public participate in the historical urban renewal and characteristic town planning activities. Practice has proved that the text and image statistical data extracted by the design can provide important reference for urban planning and management personnel,and can make the historical urban renewal and characteristic town planning more in line with the public will,satisfy the public and satisfy the government.

 Keywords:big data technology;artificial intelligence technology;planning assistant platform


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作者简介:唐绍华(1980.10—),男,汉族,湖南常宁人, 副教授,工程师,硕士,研究方向:职业技术教育、软件架构设计、 企业信息化。