摘 要:由于三峡航段地理环境复杂,基础数据自动化采集程度不高,船舶过闸时效要求高,管理部门与船方信息交互方式不够丰富等缺点,导致监管工作难度大,服务水平不够。无论是通航管理安全要求,还是提升通航智能化水平的要求,利用信息化技术提升通航监管智能化水平已经是现代航运管理的迫切需求。综合监管平台系统有机融合了分布式存储、云计算等新技术,加速了多源基础数据资源整合共享的效率,实现了对船舶实施精准管控,实现海事、航道、通航调度综合监督管理。
中图分类号:TP391 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2021)05-0171-03
Using Informatization Technology to Improve the Intelligent Level of Three Gorges Navigation Supervision
SUN Rong,TANG Zelin,WANG Xiaoli
(Three Gorges Navigation Authority,Yichang 443002,China)
Abstract:Because there is some shortcomings in three gorges,which includes:the geographic environment of the three gorges navigation section is complex,the degree of automatic collection of basic data is not high,the timeliness requirement of ships passing through lock is high,and the information interaction ways between the management department and the ship sides are not rich enough, and so on. Which leads to the supervision work is difficult and the service level is not enough. Whether it is the safety requirements of navigation management,or the requirements of improving the intelligent level of navigation,using informatization technology to improve the intelligent level of navigation supervision has become an urgent need of modern shipping management. The integrated supervision platform system organically integrates new technologies such as distributed storage and cloud computing,accelerates the efficiency of multi-source basic data resources integration and sharing,realizes the precise control of ships,and realizes the comprehensive supervision and management of maritime,waterway and navigation dispatching.
Keywords:three gorges navigation;informatization;intelligent;supervision
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作者简介:孙荣(1987—),女,汉族,湖北孝感人,工程 师,硕士研究生,研究方向:软件工程;唐泽林(1981—),男, 汉族,湖北麻城人,高级工程师,本科,研究方向:交通工程;王 晓莉(1982—),女,汉族,湖北宜昌人,高级工程师,本科,研 究方向:通信与信息技术。