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(桂林电子科技大学 建筑与交通工程学院,广西 桂林 541004)

摘  要:由于现行的道路服务水平没有真正考虑驾驶员和乘客的体验,也没有考虑到公路上流量随时间序列进行周期性变化带来的车速的变化对服务水平的影响。通过应用心理学和行为经济学中的均值 - 半方差模型、效用函数模型、前景理论对现有的公路服务水平进行了改进,得到了以平均车速、车速半方差、道路的期望效用为指标的道路服务水平评价体系。



中图分类号:N945.12                                  文献标识码:A                                    文章编号:2096-4706(2021)06-0123-03

Driving Experience Evaluation System Based on Prospect Theory

XU Xiuquan,LIAN Guan

(School of Architecture and Transportation Engineering,Guilin University of Electronic Technology,Guilin 541004,China)

Abstract:Because the current road service level does not really consider the experience of drivers and passengers,nor does it take into account the impact of the change of vehicle speed caused by the periodic change of road traffic with time series on the service level. Through the application of mean semi-variance model,utility function model and prospect theory in psychology and behavioral economics,this paper improves the existing road service level,and obtains the road service level evaluation system with average speed, speed semi-variance and road expected utility as indicators.

Keywords:prospect theory;driving experience;evaluation system


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作者简介:许修权(1999—),男,汉族,河南新乡人,本科 在读,研究方向:交通行为,智慧交通;廉冠(1989—),男,汉族, 河南焦作人,讲师,工学博士,研究方向:交通规划与管理、航空 器推出控制。