摘 要:传统的实验室管理模式信息化程度低,存在设备使用状态无法监控、设备需要本地运维、设备维护工作量大、无法远程控制设备、无法实现上机身份认证、无法监测软件运行情况、无法监控学生上课行为等问题。针对以上问题,文章首先阐述了云桌面技术的概念和原理,其次结合本校实验室管理的实际,分析了云桌面技术在提高高校实验室及设备信息化管理水平中的应用实效。
基金项目:贵州省教育厅青年科技人才成长 项目(黔教合 KY 字〔2018〕271 号);教育部第 二批国家级新工科研究与实践项目(E-DXKJC2 0200524)
中图分类号:TP308 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2021)07-0114-05
Practice of Laboratory Informatization Management Based on Cloud Desktop
(Guizhou University of Commerce,Guiyang 550014,China)
Abstract:The traditional laboratory management mode has a low degree of informatization,and there are some problems,such as the use status of equipments cannot be monitored,the equipments need local operation and maintenance,the workload of equipment maintenance is large,the equipments cannot be remotely controlled,the computer identity authentication cannot be realized,the operation of software cannot be monitored,and the behavior of students in class cannot be monitored. In view of the above problems,this paper first expounds the concept and principle of cloud desktop technology. Secondly,combined with the reality of laboratory management in our university,this paper analyzes the application effectiveness of cloud desktop technology in improving the informatization management level of laboratory and equipments in colleges.
Keywords:cloud desktop technology;laboratory management;informatization
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作者简介:王磊(1986.09—),男,穿青人,贵州毕节人, 讲师,硕士研究生,研究方向:物联网工程相关教学科研、实验室 管理、实践教学管理。