摘 要:在大数据时代,智慧校园应用广泛,各类信息日益丰富,纵横交错,但用户又面临着信息过载,无从选择的问题。用户获取信息主要是被动获取,需要自行去翻阅信息,或是订阅相关的内容,所获取的信息大多数并非用户所需要的。智能推荐系统对当前智能推荐的主要方式以及推荐算法进行了研究,通过对系统的设计与分析,运用 H5 技术中的 WebSocket 技术实现了管理平台和移动客户端应用程序,给用户带来了便捷、精准获取信息的服务体验。
基金项目:广州番禺职业技术学院 2018 年科 技类科研项目(2018kj013);广东省教育厅 2020 年度特色创新科研项目(2020KTSCX281)
中图分类号:TP391.3 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2021)08-0153-03
Application Research of Intelligent Recommendation System Based on Wisdom Campus
HUANG Youfu,HUANG Peishan,ZHU Jiemei
(Guangzhou Panyu Polytechnic,Guangzhou 511483,China)
Abstract:In the era of big data,wisdom campus is widely used. All kinds of information are increasingly rich and crisscross, but users are faced with the problem of information overload and have no choice. Users obtain information mainly at a passive mode. They need to browse information by themselves or subscribe to relevant content. Most of the information obtained is not what users need. The intelligent recommendation system studies the main methods of the current intelligent recommendation and recommendation algorithms. Through the design and analysis of the system,the management platform and mobile client application are realized by using WebSocket technology in H5 technology. Which bring users the service experience of convenience and accurate obtaining information.
Keywords:information push;intelligent recommendation;recommendation system;personalized;wisdom campus
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作者简介:黄有福(1984.11—),男,汉族,广东湛江人, 信息系统项目管理师,硕士,研究方向:移动开发,大数据;黄佩 珊(1983.11—),女,汉族,广东顺德人,助理研究员,本科, 研究方向:高职课程研究;朱洁梅(1987.11—),女,汉族,广 东广州人,实习研究员,本科,研究方向:教育技术,高教研究。