摘 要:对军工电机制造业进行调查之后,发现其存在研发管理流程较混乱,信息传递时效性较差,设计工艺手段效率较低下等问题,因此提出了基于产品全生命周期管理的设计工艺一体化平台。结合军工电机制造企业自身业务和管理模式,制定出规范化、标准化的工作流程,设计出图文档、知识库、工艺过程等管理模块,实现研发数据实时共享和业务数据的安全传递,整体缩短产品研制周期,从而提升该类型企业的核心竞争力。
中图分类号:TP391 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2021)09-0107-05
Application of Design Process Integration Platform in Military Motor Manufacturing Industry
ZHU Baoxiang,XIE Jianzhang
(Hunan Xiangdian Power Co.,Ltd.,Xiangtan 411101,China)
Abstract:After investigating of the military motor manufacturing industry,it is found there are some problems in it,such as chaotic R & D management process,poor timeliness of information transmission and low efficiency of design process means. Therefore,an design process integration platform based on product full life cycle management is proposed. Combined with the business and management mode of military motor manufacturing enterprises,formulate standardized and standardized workflow,design management modules such as drawing documents,knowledge base and technical process,realize real-time sharing of R & D data and safe transmission of business data,and shorten the product development cycle as a whole,so as to improve the core competitiveness of this type of enterprise.
Keywords:motor manufacturing industry;project management;design process integration;workflow
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作者简介:朱宝湘(1984 -),女,汉族,河南南阳人,工程师, 硕士研究生,研究方向:企业信息化技术。