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简述移动版 WPS Office 之 Excel 的操作技巧
(四川卫生康复职业学院,四川 自贡 643000)

摘  要:近年来,随着智能手机快速发展和普及,办公自动化出现全新的方式,手机成为智能微型电脑,继而涌现出许许多多移动办公手机 APP,越来越多的人希望使用手机 APP 来进行移动办公,因此迫切需要快速学习和掌握办公自动化 APP。2020 年新冠疫情期间,学生不能返校,老师不能进行面授课,大部分学生没有计算机来进行练习,因此教师扩展教学内容,以移动版 WPS Office 来进行教学,学生以手机进行学习操作,这里以移动版 WPS Office 中 EXCEL 章节教学案例为例,探讨具体的使用技巧,为学习者提供帮助和借鉴。

关键词:移动办公;WPS 功能;EXCEL 使用技巧


中图分类号:TP39                                           文献标识码:A                                     文章编号:2096-4706(2021)11-0128-05

Brief Introduction of the Operation Skills of Excel in Mobile WPS Office

LIU Nina

(Sichuan Vocational College of Health and Rehabilitation, Zigong 643000, China)

Abstract: In recent years, with the rapid development and popularization of smart phones, new ways of office automation have emerged. Mobile phones have become smart microcomputers, and then many mobile office mobile phone Apps have been emerged. More and more people want to use mobile phone Apps for mobile office. Therefore, it is urgent to need to quickly learn and master office automation App. As the COVID-19 epidemic outbreak in 2020, students can't return to school, teachers can't make face-to-face teaching, and most students don't have computers to practice. Therefore, teachers expand the teaching content and use mobile WPS Office to teach, while students use mobile phones to learn. Taking the section teaching of Excel in mobile WPS Office as an example, this paper discusses the specific usage skills, which will provide help and reference for learns.

Keywords: mobile office; WPS function; Excel usage skill


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作者简介:刘妮娜(1981—),女,汉族,四川自贡人,计 算机专任教师,讲师,硕士,研究方向:计算机应用技术、多媒体 技术。