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摘  要:在信息技术的驱动下传统校园升级为智慧校园。智慧校园能够充分发挥物联传感技术优势,其基于成熟的移动互联网和大数据处理技术,辅以三维仿真和虚拟现实技术,拓展了传统课堂的时间维度和空间维度。同时借助便携式移动终端NFC 功能,实现校园生活消费、图书借阅、医疗、考勤、门禁等环节的智慧化管理;智慧校园为学校师生提供个性化的互动交流,使办公和管理实现全方位的智能化。



中图分类号:TP39                                             文献标识码:A                                    文章编号:2096-4706(2021)11-0151-04

Research on the Construction of Wisdom Campus Information System

WANG Xiangchun

(Xiamen Kingtop Information Technology Co., Ltd., Xiamen 361008, China)

Abstract: Driven by information technology, the traditional campus is upgraded to wisdom campus. The wisdom campus can give full play to the advantages of IOT sensing technology. Based on mature mobile internet and big data processing technology, supplemented by three-dimensional simulation and virtual reality technology, it expands the time dimension and space dimension of the traditional classroom. At the same time, with the help of the NFC function of the portable mobile terminal, it can realize the intelligent management of campus life consumption, book borrowing, medical treatment, attendance, access control and other links. The wisdom campus provides personalized interactive communication for teachers and students in the school, making office and management realize the all-around intelligence.

Keywords: 3D visualization; collaborative learning; mobile network; resource expansion; personality education


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作者简介:王向春(1987.02—),男,汉族,山东滨州人, 中级工程师,硕士研究生,研究方向:测绘、GIS 和信息化技术。