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(广东创新科技职业学院 信息工程学院,广东 东莞 523960)

摘  要:计算机网络技术专业几乎被所有的高职院校列为必备专业,广东创新科技职业学院当然也不例外,学院领导高度重视计算机网络技术专业的发展,并投入大量的资金,先后组建了计算机网络、大数据、云计算等一系列实训室。虽然在教学条件上已经完全可以满足学生的需求,但是并不能改善高职学生基础差、缺少学习兴趣等问题。故本文从学生的实际情况出发,在原有理论教学的基础上引入项目案例,旨在帮助学生更好地理解和改善学习困难的问题,仅供广大读者参考。


中图分类号:TP393         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2018)05-0128-03

Research and Discussion on Teaching Mode of Computer Network Specialty Course Based on Project Teaching——Taking Guangdong Innovative Technical College as an example
PANG Shuanglong
(School of Information Engineering,Guangdong Innovative Technical College,Dongguan 523960,China)

Abstract:The computer network technology specialty has been listed as the essential specialty of all higher vocational colleges. Guangdong Innovative Technical College is certainly no exception. The leaders of college attach great importance to the development of computer network technology and invest a lot of funds,and a series of training rooms,such as computer network,big data and cloud computing,have been set up successively. Although teaching conditions have already been able to meet the needs of students,they can not improve the poor foundation of vocational college students and lack of interest in learning. Therefore,this paper, starting with the actual situation of the students,introduces the project case on the basis of the original theory teaching,which aims to help students understand and improve the problem of learning better,which is only for the reference of the readers.

Keywords:computer network technology;project-based teaching;teaching mode


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