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基于 MATLAB GUI 的战斗部杀伤威力计算系统
(安徽方圆机电股份有限公司,安徽 蚌埠 233010)

摘  要:文章采用 MATLAB GUI 软件平台完成战斗部杀伤威力计算系统设计,该系统使用方便,只需输入相关参数,便可计算出初速、终点速度、杀伤威力半径、在某距离上的静态密度、速度随距离衰减曲线、动能随距离衰减曲线。结果可在系统界面显示或输出。该系统可以使不会计算战斗部杀伤威力和不会使用 MATLAB 编程的人员直接得到需要的结果。大大缩短了计算周期,满足人们的使用。通过多次设计验证,该系统高效可靠,为战斗部威力分析提供了直观的输出。

关键词:战斗部杀伤威力计算系统;MATLAB GUI;威力计算


中图分类号:TP311                                       文献标识码:A                                    文章编号:2096-4706(2021)13-0107-04

Calculation System of Warhead Killing Power Based on MATLAB GUI

YANG Yuting

(Anhui Fangyuan Electromechanical Co., Ltd., Bengbu 233010, China)

Absrtact: The paper Uses MATLAB GUI software platform to design the warhead killing power calculation system, the system is easy to use, just input the relevant parameters, it can calculate the initial velocity, terminal velocity, killing power radius, static density at a certain distance, velocity-distance attenuation curve and kinetic energy-distance attenuation curve. The system interface can display or output the results. The system allows people who can not calculate warhead killing power and who can not program using MATLAB to get the desired results directly, and greatly shorten the calculation cycle, meet the use of people. Many designs prove that the system is highly efficient and reliable, and provides an intuitive output for the warhead power analysis.

Keywords: warhead killing power calculation system; MATLAB GUI; power calculation


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作者简介:杨玉婷(1993.10—),女,汉族,山西大同人, 设计师,本科,主要研究方向:仿真与计算。