摘 要:目前,我国大部分非 A 级医院仍然采取医院官网预约挂号,患者到院排队领取挂号单据,再凭挂号单据就诊的医疗服务模式,导致高峰期间医院患者数量激增,不但浪费了患者大量时间,也给医院管理增加了难度。文章利用微信公共平台,提出了门诊患者就诊报到服务系统设计方案并展示了应用效果,该系统功能强大,完善可靠,具有较强的实用性,系统应用有利于提高医院管理和服务水平,降低了医患矛盾发生的概率。
中图分类号:TP311 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2021)14-0141-04
Design and Implementation of Outpatient Check in Service System
YAN Lingjie
(Yongchuan Hospital of Chongqing Medical University, Chongqing 402160, China)
Abstract: At present, most non-a-level hospitals in China still adopt the medical service mode of booking registration on the hospital’s official website, patients queuing up to get registration documents, and then seeing a doctor with registration documents, resulting in a surge in the number of patients during the peak period, which not only wastes a lot of time for patients, but also increases the difficulty of hospital management. Using WeChat public platform, this paper puts forward the design scheme of outpatient check-in service system and shows the application effect. The system has powerful function, perfect and reliable, and has strong practicability. The application of the system is conducive to improve the hospital management and service level, and reduce the probability of doctor-patient contradiction.
Keywords: check in; make an appointment for registration; WeChat platform
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