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(中国移动通信集团山西有限公司,山西 太原 030032)

摘  要:新型冠状病毒疫情来势凶猛,如何更好地助力全国疫情防控工作,是通信行业的不可或缺的责任,而短信通信触达则是较为亲民且直观的方式。在行业发展和用户规模持续增长下,应允国家、政府和公益事业的等特殊性的通信要求,山西公司基于公司级的“公益短信群发系统”,轻量化承载,同时从安全、网络、运维、生产于一体,顺应接入 5G 大区标准,满足了国家公益、疫情、以及各种自然灾害或突发情况下专属短信送达。



中图分类号:TN929.5                                       文献标识码:A                                      文章编号:2096-4706(2021)16-0134-05

Construction and Application of Public Welfare Short Message Group Sending System

DUAN Kaikai, CUI Juerui, LIANG Zhi, LI Jiwen

(China Mobile Shanxi Co., Ltd., Taiyuan 030032, China)

Abstract: The outbreak of COVID-19 epidemic is fierce. How to assist the national epidemic prevention and control work better is an indispensable responsibility of the communication industry, while short message communication is more close to the people and intuitive. Under the development of the industry and the continuous growth of the user scale, Shanxi company responds to the special communication requirements of the state, the government and public welfare undertakings. Based on the company-level “Public Welfare Short Message Group Sending System”, which is lightweight, Shanxi Company complies with the access to 5G regional standards from the aspects of security, network, operation, maintenance and production to meet the national public welfare, epidemic, as well as a variety of natural disasters or emergencies under the exclusive SMS service.

Keywords: short message group sending system; communication touch; 5G


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