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基于知识图谱的管理领域研究研究方法分析——以 2019—2020 年 30 种管理类重要期刊文献为例
(河北工程大学 管理工程与商学院,河北 邯郸 056038)

摘  要:基于文献计量学及知识可视化理论,以国家自然科学基金委认定的 30 种管理类期刊为样本,以 CNKI 数据库2019—2020 年间收录的上述期刊文献为数据源,分析管理领域研究热点、主题与方法。采用 VOS viewer 对 9 365 篇文献关键词做可视化处理,用 Excel 整理研究主题、研究方法及工具性方法。结果表明:前三大热点为创新绩效、技术创新、企业创新;主题主要分布在企业经济、金融、投资;研究方法中,实证研究占 71.87%,规范研究占 28.13%;高频工具性方法有建模、回归分析。

关键词:文献计量;知识图谱;VOS viewer;工具性方法;国家自然科学基金委


项目课题:河北省省级研究生示范课建设项 目资助项目(KCJSX2019066)

中图分类号:TP391                                   文献标识码:A                                      文章编号:2096-4706(2021)17-0114-06

Analysis of Research Hotspots, Research Topics and Research Methods in the Management Field Based on Knowledge Graph ——Take 30 Important Management Journals from 2019 to 2020 as an Example

LI Rui, ZHANG Wenyi, CHAO Jun, LI Zhanlei

(School of Management Engineering and Business, Hebei University of Engineering, Handan 056038, China)

Abstract: Based on bibliometrics and knowledge visualization theory, taking 30 management journals recognized by the National Natural Science Foundation of China as samples and the above-mentioned journals collected in CNKI database from 2019 to 2020 as data sources, this paper analyzes the research hotspots, themes and methods in the field of management. The key words of 9 365 documents are visualized by VOS viewer, and the research topics, research methods and instrumental methods are sorted out by Excel. The results show that the top three hotspots are innovation performance, technological innovation and enterprise innovation; the themes are mainly distributed in the fields of enterprise economy, finance and investment; among the research methods, empirical research accounts for 71.87%, normative research accounts for 28.13%; high frequency instrumental methods include modeling and regression analysis.

Keywords: bibliometrics; knowledge graph; VOS viewer; instrumental method; National Natural Science Foundation of China


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作者简介:李瑞(1997.03—),女,汉族,河北唐山人,硕士研究生在读,研究方向:供应链金融风险;张文怡(1997.11—), 女,汉族,河北保定人,硕士研究生在读,研究方向:供应链金融风险;晁俊(1997.09—),女,汉族,山西太原人,硕士研究生在读, 研究方向:供应链金融风险;李占雷(1965.03—),男,汉族, 河北深州人,教授,博士,研究方向:供应链金融风险。