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( 南京科瑞达电子装备有限责任公司(原 924 厂),江苏 南京 211100)

摘  要:干涉仪测向通过检测照射到干涉仪上电磁波相位差来间接计算辐射源方向。研究干涉仪相位差随载机机身振动的变化情况,可为后续方位滤波算法和相位差变化率定位算法研究提供基础理论支撑。文章通过对机载干涉仪基线振动过程的研究,建立了干涉仪基线振动三维模型,结合文献 [5] 中不同机型振动功率谱的分析,得到了不同机型振动位移均方根值,进一步对不同机型机身的不同振动位移方式造成的测相位差的影响进行了分析。



中图分类号:TH744                                         文献标识码:A                                   文章编号:2096-4706(2021)19-0144-03

Study on the Influence of Carrier Vibration on Phase Difference Measured by Interferometer


(Nanjing Keruida Electronic Equipment Co., Ltd. (Original 924 factory), Nanjing 211100, China)

Abstract: Interferometer direction finding indirectly calculates the direction of radiation source by detecting the phase difference of electromagnetic wave irradiated to the interferometer. Studying the change of interferometer phase difference with carrier fuselage vibration can provide basic theoretical support for the subsequent research of azimuth filtering algorithm and phase difference change rate positioning algorithm. In this paper, through the research on the baseline vibration process of airborne interferometer, the three-dimensional baseline vibration model of interferometer is established. Combined with the analysis of vibration power spectrum of different models in literature [5], the root mean square value of vibration displacement of different models is obtained, and the influence of measurement phase difference caused by different vibration displacement modes of fuselage of different models is further analyzed.

Keywords: interferometer; vibration; phase difference


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作者简介:赵贵(1987—),男,汉族,湖北宜昌人,工程师, 硕士研究生,研究方向:干涉仪测向、无源定位。