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(中国移动通信集团广东有限公司 AI 应用创新中心,广东 汕头 515041)

摘  要:受到报装关键词匹配程度的影响,对于报装地址的稽核智能化处理存在不足。基于此,提出了基于语义识别的自动化家宽报装地址稽核方法。通过构建语义识别自动化模型,获取到家宽报装地址的识别概率分类;改进清查宽带资源方式,明确报装小区的单元信息与宽带资源能力;基于语义识别算法计算泛化相似词,实现自动化家宽报装地址的稽核目标。实验证明,该稽核方法随着宽带网络节点通信半径的不断增加,地址稽核的分配成功率更高。



中图分类号:TP391.4                                   文献标识码:A                                   文章编号:2096-4706(2021)19-0151-03

Automatic Home Broadband Reported Installation Address Audit Method Based on Semantic Recognition

XU Xueyan, TANG Sipeng, CHI Hongyuan

(AI Application and Innovation Center of China Mobile Communications Group Guangdong Co., Ltd., Shantou 515041, China)

Abstract: Affected by the matching degree of reported installation keywords, there are deficiencies in the audit intelligent processing of reported installation addresses. Based on this, an automatic home broadband reported installation address audit method based on semantic recognition is proposed. By constructing the semantic recognition automatic model, the recognition probability classification of home broadband reported installation address is obtained; improve the way of checking broadband resources, and clarify the unit information and broadband resource capability of the reported installation community; based on the semantic recognition algorithm, the generalized similar words are calculated to realize the audit goal of automatic home broadband reported installation address. Experiments show that with the increasing communication radius of broadband network nodes, the allocation success rate of address audit is higher and higher.

Keywords: semantic recognition; automation; home broadband; apply for installation; address; audit


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作者简介:许学研(1985.04—),男,汉族,广东汕头人,工程师,硕士研究生,研究方向:大数据建模、数据挖掘、人工智 能算法建模。