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基于 ESI 和 Incites 数据库的动物与植物科学学科论 文产出分析 ——以河北农业大学为例
(河北农业大学 图书馆,河北 保定 071001)

摘  要:分析河北农业大学入围 ESI 前 1%“动物与植物科学”学科的发文分布状态,为学校制定学科建设发展规划提供支持服务,引导学科良性发展。基于 Incites 数据库,深入挖掘数据信息,对近 11 年来以河北农业大学 ESI“动物与植物科学”学科所属的相关期刊的发文进行统计分析。河北农业大学的“动物与植物科学”学科自 2019 年 1 月首次进入 ESI 世界 1% 后,发文量每年保持连续上升的趋势。河北农业大学应加强与第一梯队农业院校的合作,不断开拓科研思路。

关键词:ESI 数据库;Incites 数据库;河北农业大学;动物与植物科学


中图分类号:TP391                                     文献标识码:A                                        文章编号:2096-4706(2021)20-0146-04

Output Analysis of Discipline Papers in Animal and Plant Science Based on ESI and Incites Database

—Take Hebei Agricultural University as an Example


(Library of Hebei Agricultural University, Baoding 071001, China)

Abstract: This paper analyzes the distribution of documents issued by the discipline of “Animal and Plant Science” in the top 1%of ESI finalists of Hebei Agricultural University, so as to provide support services for the university to formulate the discipline construction and development plan and guide the benign development of the discipline. Based on the Incites database, this paper deeply dines the data information, and makes a statistical analysis on the papers published in the relevant journals of ESI “Animal and Plant Science” of Hebei Agricultural University in recent 11 years. Since the discipline of “Animal and Plant Science” of Hebei Agricultural University first entered 1% of ESI world in January 2019, the number of documents issued has maintained a continuous upward trend every year. Hebei Agricultural University should strengthen the cooperation with the first tier agricultural colleges and universities and constantly develop scientific research ideas.

Keywords: ESI database; Incites database; Hebei Agricultural University; Animal and Plant Science


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