摘 要:在如今这个全民皆网民、信息爆炸、数据高速增长的信息时代,人们既能通过追溯数据流对问题追根溯源,又能对它进行相关性分析,可以预测未来趋势和规律。研究大数据背景下的新型智库框架,对我国新型智库建设有着深远意义。文章基于 DIIS 研究分析法,从收集数据、揭示信息、综合研判、形成方案四个阶段浅析大数据对智库框架建设的影响。根据新型智库框架的研究结果,提出大数据环境下智库建设相应的对策及建议,并提出新型智库框架。
中图分类号:TP311 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2021)23-0104-05
Research on New Think Tank Framework Based on DIIS Method under the Background of Big Data
HAN Zhaodi
(School of Public Administration, Xiangtan University, Xiangtan 411105, China)
Abstract: In the information age when information is exploding, data is growing rapidly, and all people are Internet users. By tracing the flow of data, the problems can be traced back to their root, and future trends and patterns can be predicted by correlation analysis of massive data. The study of the new think tank framework under the background of big data is of far-reaching significance to the construction of the new think tanks for our country. Based on the DIIS research and analysis method, this paper analyzes the impact of big data on the construction of think tanks in four stages: collecting data, revealing information, comprehensive research and judgment, and forming solutions. According to the research results of the new think tank framework, the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions for think tank construction under the big data environment are put forward, and the new think tank framework is put forward.
Keywords: big data; DIIS; think tank construction; new think tank
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