摘 要:际华高分子材料高科产业园能源管理系统,对园区 13 栋工房每栋水、电、蒸汽能耗数据进行数据实时采集监测、数据统计和节能管理,对用能状态全面监测,提供能源数据采集、存储、分析,对用能情况进行及时地了解,完成数据采集通道的建设,并根据实时数据对用能进行及时、有效的管理,为公司节约用能成本提供了参考和依据,提高用能管理水平。
中图分类号:TP315 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2022)01-0144-04
Energy Management System Design of Jihua Polymer Materials High-Tech Industrial Park
XIA Xiangdong
(Computer Center, Jihua 3517 Rubber Products Co., Ltd., Yueyang 414001, China)
Abstract: The energy management system of Jihua polymer materials high tech Industrial Park carries out real-time data collection, monitoring, data statistics and energy-saving management for the energy consumption data of each of the 13 workshops in the park, comprehensively monitors the energy consumption status, provides energy data collection, storage and analysis, timely understands the energy consumption, completes the construction of data collection channel, and timely and effectively manages the energy consumption according to the real-time data, it provides a reference and basis for the company to save energy cost and improve the level of energy management.
Keywords: intelligent energy data collection; communication protocol; GPRS; CDMA
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