摘 要:随着高校信息化建设水平的不断提高,尤其是当前校园网络的大范围普及,校园网络安全在高校信息化建设中的重要性越发凸显,但网络安全问题也越来越严重。校园网络安全问题形成的原因复杂且影响因素多样,怎样保障校园网络的安全,保护师生隐私,成为各高校网络安全建设的重难点。基于此,文章分析了高校网络目前存在的主要问题,然后给出解决方法,进 而提升校园网络安全的防御能力。
课题项目:江苏省现代教育技术研究 2018年度智慧校园专项重点课题(2018-R-66906)
中图分类号:TP301 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2022)03-0116-03
Analysis and Countermeasure on Network Security Problems of College Campus
PENG Ming, LIU Jianfeng
(Network Management and Information Office, Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine, Nanjing 210023, China)
Abstract: With the continuous improvement of the level of informatization construction in colleges and universities, especially the large-scale popularization of the current campus network, the importance of campus network security in the informatization construction of colleges and universities has become more and more prominent, but the problems of network security has become more and more serious. The reasons for the formation of campus network security problems are complex and the influencing factors are diverse. How to ensure the security of the campus network and protect the privacy of teachers and students has become a major difficulty in the construction of network security in colleges and universities. Based on this, this paper analyzes the main problems existing in college network at present, and then gives solutions to improve the defense capability of campus network security.
Keywords: college informatization construction; campus network; network security; solution strategy
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