摘 要:文章介绍收录及媒资系统在第 44 届世遗大会新闻中心媒体信息发布上的应用,通过系统收录会议的推流内容,并向媒体用户提供在互联网上检索资料和下载的服务。由于收录及媒资系统开放互联网访问,为了保障系统网络安全,部署相关网络安全设备。结合业务需求,文章从系统架构、业务功能和网络安全防护三个方面说明系统的设计与实现。
中国分类号:TN948 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2022)07-0123-04
Design and Application of the 44th World Heritage Conference Recording and Media Resource System Scheme
(Fujian Media Group, Fuzhou 350004, China)
Abstract: This paper introduces the application of the recording and media resource system in the media information release of the news center of the 44th World Heritage Conference. Through this system, the streaming content of the conference is recorded, and the service of searching information and downloading on the Internet is provided to media users. Due to the open Internet access of the recording and media resource system, in order to ensure the network security of the system, relevant network security equipment is deployed. Combined with business requirements, this paper describes the design and implementation of the system from three aspects such as system architecture, business functions and network security protection.
Keywords: recording; media resource; network security
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