摘 要:随着我国轨道交通技术的快速发展,以及列车自动化、智能化水平的不断提升,高速列车车载网络故障数据的总量和类型也在不断增加,这对整车系统数据流处理和记录方式提出了更高的要求。针对 CRH2 型动车组网络数据流现状,提出一种数据处理和发送的优化方法。测试验证结果表明,该方法有效扩充了车地通信信息的传输总量,规范了数据排序规则,显著提升了通信时序的确定性和可靠性,为列车网络控制软件数据处理规范化设计提供参考。
中图分类号:U284.48 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2022)09-0121-05
Research and Implementation of Data Flow Optimization Method for In-vehicle Network Control System
LIU Zhaoyi
(Zhuzhou CRRC Times Electric Co., Ltd., Zhuzhou 412001, China)
Abstract: With the rapid development of China's rail transit technology and the continuous improvement of the level of train automation and intelligence, the total amount and types of high-speed train in-vehicle network fault data are also increasing, which puts forward higher requirements for the data flow processing and recording ways of the whole vehicle system. According to the current situation of CRH2 EMU network data flow, an optimization method of data processing and transmission is proposed. The test results show that this method effectively expands the total transmission amount of train ground communication information, standardizes the data sorting rules, significantly improves the certainty and reliability of communication sequence, and provides a reference for the standardized design of data processing of train network control software.
Keywords: network control system; current loop; trigger data; merging sort; current fault
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