摘 要:运用 CiteSpace 软件,对从知网中收录的 440 篇有关我国成年人体质研究的文献进行可视化分析,通过绘制可视化图谱,表现我国成年人体质研究的现状,促进我国成年人体质研究的发展。研究表明我国成年人体质研究中的科研机构在地理位置分布上呈现出“东高西低”的格局。我国成年人体质相关联的四个研究模块为基础指标、供给结构、人才强国和地域研究。我国成年人体质研究的热点为体质监测、体质指数,并有转向身体机能、健康状况、群众体育等趋势。
中图分类号:TP391;G804.49 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2022)10-0152-06
Visualization Analysis of Chinese Adult Physique Research Based on CiteSpace
(School of Physical Education, Shandong Normal University, Jinan 250358, China)
Abstract: This paper uses the CiteSpace software, conducts the visualization analysis of 440 articles included from the CNKI about adult physique research in China. By drawing the visualization graph, it shows the current situation of the adult physique research in China, promotes the development of adult physique research in China. The research shows that the geographical location distribution of scientific research institutions of the adult physique research shows a state of “high in the east and low in the west” in China. The four research modules related to the adult physique in China are basic indicators, supply structure, strengthen the country through talents and regional research. The research hotspots of the adult physique in China are physique monitor, physique index, and there is a tendency towards physical function, health status, mass sports and so on.
Keywords: scientific knowledge graph; adult; physique; visualization
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