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奶粉中维生素 K2 检测方法的研究
(广州金至检测技术有限公司,广东广州 510330)

摘  要:取奶粉样品,加入脂肪酶、蛋白酶和水,在(37±2) ℃的水浴中振荡 2 小时进行酶解后,再加入醇溶剂混合,再加入正己烷,离心,取上清液,浓缩,经稀释液稀释,作为待测样品溶液,采用二维切割色谱法进行测定;通过三水平浓度加标回收试验,得出不同加标浓度回收率均在 90% ~ 100% 之间。而且采用该文方法测定奶粉中维生素 K2 的检出限能达到 0.2 μg/g,精密度小于 5.0%,方法稳定性比较好,适合日常检测活动。

关键词:奶粉;维生素 K2 检测;二维液相色谱;酶解


中图分类号:U284.48                                   文献标识码:A                                    文章编号:2096-4706(2022)10-0161-04

Study on the Detection Method of Vitamin K2 in Milk Powder

ZHAO Yanyuan, WEN Minhui, HUANG Zhenghua

(Guangzhou Jinzhi Testing Technology Co., Ltd., Guangzhou 510330, China)

Abstract: Take milk powder samples, add lipase, protease and water, oscillate in a water bath at (37 ± 2) ℃ for 2 hours for enzymatic hydrolysis, then add alcohol solvent to mix, then add n-hexane, centrifuge, take the supernatant, concentrate, dilute with diluent, take it as the sample solution to be tested, and use two-dimensional cutting chromatography for determination; through the three-level concentration spiked recovery test, it is concluded that the recovery rates of different spiked concentrations are between 90% and 100%. The detection limit of vitamin K2 in milk powder determined by this method can reach 0.2 μg/g, the precision is less than 5.0%, and the method has good stability, which is suitable for daily detection activities.

Keywords: milk powder; Vitamin K2 testing; two-dimensional liquid chromatography; enzymatic hydrolysis


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