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(深圳供电局有限公司,广东 深圳 518000)

摘  要:配电网在电能分配中具有重要的作用,电力主管部门需要对大量的从业人员进行技能培训,给培训工作带来极大的挑战,人工智能技术的发展为建设智能无人监管的实训室提供了基础。系统采用人证合一方式核验培训人员的身份,通过行人跟踪及人脸识别判定培训人员是否进行了项目的实训及考核,并判定其是否执行了考核直至实训及考核成绩达标方可完成实训的要求。智能实训室的建设极大减轻了培训工作的劳动强度,提高了培训的质量,对于配电网实训工作具有重要的意义。



中图分类号:TP311.5                                     文献标识码:A                                 文章编号:2096-4706(2022)12-0115-04

Construction and Research of Intelligent Unsupervised Distribution Network Practical Training Room

YU Guozhong, ZOU Jianhui, SONG Hua, FAN Zhongkui

(Shenzhen Power Supply Co., Ltd., Shenzhen 518000, China)

Abstract: The distribution network plays an important role in power distribution. The power competent department needs to conduct skill training for a large number of employees, which brings great challenges to the training work. The development of artificial intelligence technology provides a foundation for building an intelligent and unsupervised practical training room. The system verifies the identity of the trainees by using the combination of person and certificate, determines whether the trainees have carried out the practical training and examination of the project through pedestrian tracking and face recognition, and determines whether they have implemented the assessment, the practical training requirements can be completed until the practical training and assessment results meet the standards. The construction of an intelligent practical training room greatly reduces labor intensity of training work and improves the training quality, which is of great significance for the practical training work of the distribution network.

Keywords: distribution network; unsupervised; artificial intelligence; face recognition


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