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钉钉在广西高校学生管理信息化建设中的运用 ——以桂林理工大学南宁分校为例
(1. 桂林理工大学南宁分校 学生工作部,广西 崇左 532100;2. 桂林理工大学南宁分校 基础学科部,广西 崇左 532100)

摘  要:为进一步做好学生管理信息化建设工作,扭转传统而老旧的学生信息管理模式,结合当前广西高校学生使用钉钉平台的情况,桂林理工大学南宁分校将钉钉平台应用于高校学生管理信息化建设中,充分利用钉钉基础功能,结合学校校情需求,拓展特色应用功能;立足学生事务管理,构建学生管理数据库;多部门协同驱动管理,持续推动校园安全稳定;最终实现广西区内高校三全育人目标。



基金项目:桂林理工大学 2021 年辅导员专项研究课题(GUT21FB09);桂林理工大学南宁分校辅导员专项研究课题(2021B01);桂林理工大学南宁分校 2020 年思想政治理论课教学研究重点项目(GLUTNNSZ 202002)

中图分类号:TP39                                           文献标识码:A                                  文章编号:2096-4706(2022)15-0088-05

The Application of Ding Talk APP in Guangxi Province College Student Management Informatization Construction—Taking the Guilin University of Technology at Nanning as an Example

ZOU Linmin¹, CHEN Lijiao²

(1.Student Affairs Department, Guilin University of Technology at Nanning, Chongzuo 532100, China;

2.Department of Basic Discipline, Guilin University of Technology at Nanning, Chongzuo 532100, China)

Abstract: In order to further do a good job of student management Informatization construction work, reverse the traditional and old student information management mode, combined with the current situation of Ding Talk platform used by college students in Guangxi Province, Guilin University of Technology at Nanning applies the Ding Talk platform to the construction of university student management informatization, makes full use of the basic functions of Ding Talk, combined with the needs of the school situation, expands the characteristic application functions. Based on student affairs management, it builds student management database. Multidepartment collaborative driving   management continues to promote campus security and stability. Finally, it realizes the goal of three and comprehensive educating students of colleges and universities in Guangxi Province.

Keywords: student management; informatization construction; Ding Talk platform


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