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基于 GIS 的城市规划图则自动制图技术的设计与实现 ——以上海国土空间规划信息管理系统为例
(上海市大数据中心,上海 200435)

摘  要:以上海市国土空间规划信息管理系统的应用为例,阐述了基于 GIS 的城市规划图则自动制图技术的功能设计与实现。该功能采用 Arc GIS Engine 与 Java 结合的技术方式,实现了系统自动从 GIS 格式的规划成果数据包中读取空间与属性数据转换为 PDF 格式的规划图则的功能。生成的图则符合上海市规划部门对控制性详细规划等不同规划类型的成果规范显示要求,对同类系统专题制图模块的设计与实现具有参考价值。



中图分类号:TP391                                          文献标识码:A                                    文章编号:2096-4706(2022)16-0120-04

Design and Implementation of Automated Cartography Technology for City Planning Map Based on GIS—Taking Shanghai Territorial and Spatial Planning Information Management System as an Example

PAN Xiang

(Shanghai Big Data Center, Shanghai 200435, China)

Abstract: Taking the application of Shanghai territorial and spatial planning information management system as an example, this paper expounds the function design and implementation of the automated cartography technology for city planning based on GIS. The function uses technology mode of combining Arc GIS Engine with Java to realize the function of that system automatically reads spatial and attribute data from the planning result data package in GIS format and transforms it into the planning map. The generated maps are in line with the results specification display requirements of the planning department in Shanghai for the different planning types. It has reference value for the design and implementation of similar system thematic mapping modules.

Keywords: urban planning; GIS; planning map; automated cartography


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