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摘  要:通过对云桌面技术的研究,报告了传统多媒体学习室存在的问题,进行了传统多媒体学习室客户端电脑与基于云桌面虚拟技术的客户端电脑的对比调研,提出了多媒体学习室使用基于云桌面虚拟化技术的客户端桌面。使用云桌面可以大幅减少运维压力,提高资源利用效率,节省能源消耗,实现多媒体学习室学习、培训、授课、无人监考考试等多种功能需求。



中图分类号:TP311                                           文献标志码:A                                 文章编号:2096-4706(2022)16-0136-03

Application and Practice of Multimedia Learning Room Based on Cloud Desktop

KANG Junxian, ZHAO Meiying, LI Zhijun, CHANG Xiaoru, YANG Yichen

(Rehabilitation and Recuperation Center of Lintong, Xi'an 710060, China)

Abstract: Through the research on cloud desktop technology, this paper reports the problems existing in the traditional multimedia learning room, conducts a comparative investigation between the client computer of the traditional multimedia learning room and the client computer based on the cloud desktop virtual technology, and proposes that the multimedia learning room uses a the client desktop based on the cloud desktop virtualization technology. Using cloud desktops can greatly reduce operation and maintenance pressure, improve resource utilization efficiency, and save energy consumption, realize various functional requirements such as learning, training, teaching, and unsupervised examinations in the multimedia learning room.

Keywords: cloud desktop; virtual technology; multimedia learning room


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