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(河南科技大学,河南 洛阳 471000)

摘  要:随着信息化时代的到来,元宇宙背景下的数字城市开发渐成趋势,不断完善的数字城市技术得以成为城市发展壮大的新契机。不同于传统“键鼠”交互,三维沙盘则提供了更为自然的人机交互技术。但在数字孪生城市的开发中不应只停留在城市外在形态的数字化,三维沙盘的核心价值在于内容与城市数据的互联和再生产。本文主要论述如何运用三维可视化技术和Unity3d 工具将交通、生产、民生、通信等相关数据融入数字沙盘,以此提升用户对数字化城市的视觉认知。



基金项目:河南科技大学大学生研究训练计划 SRTP(2022273);河南省高等学校大学生创新训练计划(202210464038)

中图分类号:TP311.1                                      文献标识码:A                                文章编号:2096-4706(2022)17-0128-04

Research on Core Data Visualization in Digital Twin City Construction

LI Wan, WU Bin

(Henan University of Science and Technology, Luoyang 471000, China)

Abstract: With the advent of the informatization era, the development of digital cities under the background of meta universe has gradually become a trend, and the constantly improving digital cities have become a new opportunity for the development of cities. Different from the traditional “keyboard and mouse” interaction, the 3D sand table provides a more natural human-computer interaction technology. However, in the development of the digital twin city, we should not only stay in the digitization of the external form of the city. The core value of the 3D sand table lies in the interconnection and reproduction of content and urban data. Thispaper mainly discusses how to use 3D visualization technology and Unity3d tools to integrate traffic, production, people’s livelihood, communication and other related data into the digital sand table, so as to improve users’ visual cognition of the digital city.

Keywords: digital city; 3D sand table; data visualization; digital twin city


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