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(1. 天津机电职业技术学院,天津 300350;2. 天津动核芯科技有限公司,天津 300350)

摘  要:与传统内燃机汽车不同,新能源汽车的电压等级远远高于人体所能承受的 36 V 安全电压,为此,在对新能源汽车进行维修和检测时需要做好高电压绝缘防护工作。操作人员带电作业时,如果防护和操作不当会引起触电事故,这充分表明了高电压作业中使用安全防护用具的必要性。文章论述了我院与天津动核芯科技有限公司合作的北汽新能源 1+X 合作项目,重点介绍安全防护用具预防性检测原理及方法,以保证高电压作业中操作人员的人身安全。



中图分类号:TP39                                        文献标识码:A                                    文章编号:2096-4706(2022)17-0136-04

Preventive Detection of High Voltage Working Tools

CHAN Nana, LIANG Zhenghao

(1.Tianjin Vocational College of Mechanics and Electricity, Tianjin 300350, China; 2.Tianjin Dynamic Core Technology Co., Ltd., Tianjin 300350, China)

Abstract: Unlike traditional internal combustion engine vehicles, the voltage level of new energy vehicles is far higher than the 36 V safety voltage that can be borne by the human body. Therefore, it is necessary to do a good job in high-voltage electrical insulation protection when repairing and testing new energy vehicles. When the maintenance personnel work on live line, if the protection and operation are improper, electric shock accidents will be caused, which fully shows the necessity of using safety protective equipment in high-voltage operation. This paper discusses the BAIC new energy 1 + X cooperation project between our institute and Tianjin Dynamic Core Technology Co., Ltd., and focuses on the principle and method of preventive detection of safety protective equipment to ensure the personal safety of operators in high-voltage operation.

Keywords: high voltage operation; preventive; detection


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作者简介:陈娜娜(1981.03—),女,汉族,吉林长春人,讲师,硕士,研究方向:汽车电子控制技术、新能源汽车技术、新能源汽车电机控制技术、智能网联汽车技术、汽车 1+X 证书项目;梁正浩(1993.02—),男,汉族,天津人,培训讲师,本科,研究方向:新能源汽车技术、新能源汽车电池电机技术、新能源高压安全与防护、汽车 1+X 证书项目。