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(福建师范大学,福建 福州 350108)

摘  要:在双渠道并立的情形下,讨论制造商如何协调供应链、缓解渠道间价格竞争。通过建立集中决策、分散决策以及认证分享模型,以提升供应链利润、提高成交量与服务水平为目标,分析不同的双渠道模式对供应链成员定价与服务策略的影响。研究发现:在外部性较低的情况下,集中决策是由制造商让渡市场份额达到双渠道供应链均衡,而不考虑单位认证成本时,制造商分享区块链认证能够有效缓解价格竞争,激励零售商提升服务质量,拓展双渠道市场份额。



基金项目: 国家社科基金一般项目(19BGL092)

中图分类号:TP311;C934                               文献标识码:A                                文章编号:2096-4706(2022)18-0126-06

Research on Dual-Channel Supply Chain Decision Based on Blockchain Technology

CAI Zhiming, LIN Yang

(Fujian Normal University, Fuzhou 350108, China)

Abstract: In the case of two channels coexisting, this paper discusses how manufacturers coordinate the supply chain and alleviate the price competition between channels. Through the establishment of centralized decision-making, decentralized decision-making and certification sharing models, taking the improvement of profits of the supply chain, improvement of the trading volume and service level as the target, this paper analyzes the impact of different dual-channel models on the price and service strategies of supply chain members. The study has found that the centralized decision-making is the manufacturers transfer the market share to achieve the dual-channel supply chain equilibrium in the case of low externality. Without considering the unit certification cost, the manufacturers share blockchain certification could effectively alleviate the price competition, encourage retailers to improve service quality and expand the dual-channel market share.

Keywords: dual-channel; game theory; blockchain 


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