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基于 CiteSpace 的国内网络治理研究可视化分析
(中国人民公安大学,北京 100038)

摘  要:互联网时代,网络空间复杂多变,网络治理也越发重要。网络治理的成效不仅是网络安全的基础,还关乎国家安全的命脉。运用 CiteSpace 软件并结合 Excel 表格,对知网(CNKI)收录的 2011—2022 年 784 篇 CSSCI 文献进行文献统计、高被引文献分析、关键词共性分析、关键词聚类分析以及突现词分析,揭示了我国网络治理研究的现状和热点趋势,获得了国内网络治理研究发展方向的启示,对以后进行深入研究提供多种视角和建议。



中图分类号:TP391                                      文献标识码:A                                      文章编号:2096-4706(2022)19-0093-05

Visual Analysis of Domestic Network Governance Research Based on CiteSpace

BAI Long

(People’s Public Security University of China, Beijing 100038, China)

Abstract: In the Internet Era, cyberspace is complex and changeable, and network governance is becoming more and more important. The effectiveness of network governance is not only the foundation of network security, but also the lifeblood of national security. This paper uses the CiteSpace software and combines with Excel tables, collects the 784 CSSCI literatures included in CNKI from 2011 to 2022 for literature statistics, highly cited literature analysis, keyword commonality analysis, keyword cluster analysis and emerging word analysis, reveals the current situation and hot trends of network governance research in China, obtains the enlightenment of the development direction of domestic network governance research, and provides a variety of perspectives and suggestions for future in-depth research.

Keywords: network governance; internet; CiteSpace; visual analysis


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