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(应急管理部信息研究院,北京 100029)

摘  要:随着煤矿安全生产信息化建设的推进,我国煤矿企业的应急救援体系建设已取得显著成效,但在应急救援指挥方面仍缺乏高效方便的信息化和数字化手段。面向煤矿事故应急指挥全过程设计的煤矿应急救援指挥信息系统,可以全面提升煤矿企业的应急组织能力、救援保障能力及指挥协调能力,有效降低人员伤亡和财产损失,为煤矿事故救援提供科学有效的技术保障,全面实现煤矿事故应急救援的数字化、可视化、智能化。



中图分类号:TP302.1                                       文献标识码:A                                文章编号:2096-4706(2022)21-0105-05

Design and Implementation of Coal Mine Emergency Rescue Command Information System

GAO Hongbo

(Information Institute of the Emergency Management of PRC, Beijing 100029, China)

Abstract: With the progress of the information construction of coal mine safety production, the emergency rescue system construction of coal mine enterprises in China has remarkable achievements, but there is still lack of efficient and convenient information and digital tools in the aspect of emergency rescue command. The coal mine emergency rescue command information system which is designed for the coal mine accident emergency command overall process can comprehensively improve the emergency response ability, rescue and support ability, command and coordination ability of the coal mine enterprises. It effectively reduces the casualties and property losses, provides scientific and effective technical support for coal mine accident rescue. The digitalization, visualization and intellectualization of coal mine accident emergency rescue are fully realized.

Keywords: emergency command; emergency rescue; coal mine accident; system analysis; system design


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