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(深圳市市政设计研究院有限公司,广东 深圳 518029)

摘  要:城市轨道交通是一种现代化的交通方式,具有载客量大、速度快、时间准等优点,21 世纪以来,国内城市轨道交通的建设更是进入了一个大发展时期。在一些大中型城市,地铁逐渐普及,成为当代都市人群主要的出行方式。由于地铁环境相对封闭、目标人群较明确、迫视性强等优势,可以极大地发挥广告的作用。同时地铁广告的媒介形式日益多样化,站台门多媒体系统也应运而生。文中介绍了站台门多媒体系统概念,分析了多媒体技术的特点及其在站台门系统中的具体应用。



中图分类号:TP39                                         文献标识码:A                                    文章编号:2096-4706(2022)21-0112-04

Research on Application of Multimedia Technology in Platform Door System of Urban Rail Transit


(Shenzhen Municipal Design & Research Institute Co., Ltd., Shenzhen 518029, China)

Abstract: Urban rail transit is a modern mode of transportation with the advantages of large passenger capacity, fast speed and time guarantee. Since the 21st century, the construction of domestic urban rail transit has entered a period of great development. In some large and medium-sized cities, the subway has gradually become a popular way of travel for contemporary urban people. Because the subway environment is relatively closed, the target population is clear, and the compelling is strong, it can greatly play the role of advertising. At the same time, the media forms of subway advertisements are increasingly diversified, and the platform door multimedia system has also emerged as the times require. This paper introduces the concept of platform door multimedia system, analyzes the characteristics of multimedia technology and its application in platform door system.

Keywords: platform door; multimedia; LCD; OLED; dimming film; projection


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