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基于 GIS 平台的农村宅基地管理信息平台设计研究
(苍穹数码技术股份有限公司,北京 100096)

摘  要:农村宅基地是保障农民安居乐业和维护农村社会稳定的重要基础。文章从宅基地改革工作的实际需求出发,以农业农村部规划设计研究院编写的《县级农村宅基地管理信息系统建设方案(征求意见稿)》和《农村宅基地基础数据库规范(试行)》为指导,以宅基地管理信息平台为研究对象,结合 GIS 平台,从宅基地基础数据采集、管理到宅基地申请审批、数据归档、监测监管、数据共享等方面,进行了详细的业务功能设计,切实实现了宅基地相关工作的信息化管理。

关键词:农村宅基地;GIS 平台;信息平台


中图分类号:TP311                                        文献标识码:A                                      文章编号:2096-4706(2022)21-0119-05

Research on the Design of Rural Homestead Management Information Platform Based on GIS Platform

QIAO Xianzhe

(KQ GEO Technologies Co., Ltd., Beijing 100096, China)

Abstract: Rural homestead is an important foundation for ensuring the farmers' living and working in peace and contentment and maintaining the stability of rural society. Based on the actual needs of rural homestead reform, under the guidance of the Construction Plan of County level Rural Homestead Management Information System (Draft for Comments) and the Rural Homestead Foundation Database Specification (Trial) prepared by the Planning and Design Research Institute of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, this paper takes the homestead management information platform as the research object, combining GIS platform, from the collection and management of homestead foundation data to the application and approval of homestead, data archiving, monitoring and supervision, data sharing and other aspects, detailed business function design has been carried out, which effectively realizes the informatization management of homestead related work.

Keywords: rural homestead; GIS platform; information platform


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