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无人机仿地飞行在同一路线自动化巡检中的 应用与研究
(新疆阜康抽水蓄能有限公司,新疆 昌吉 831500)

摘  要:当前,在无人机巡检过程中存在飞行质量差、巡检定位精度低的问题,为此,文章对无人机仿地飞行在同一路线自动化巡检中的应用展开研究。通过遗传算法获取准确的巡检路径信息;利用激光雷达技术测定无人机仿地飞行的距离;根据无人机实际飞行情况调整巡检姿态;基于深度视觉实现巡检的精准定位。实验结果表明,新方法能够提高无人机的飞行质量,提升巡检定位的精度,为无人机巡检能力的整体提升提供技术保障。



中图分类号 :TP18;TM75                               文献标识码 :A                                   文章编号:2096-4706(2022)22-0124-04

Application and Research of UAV's Ground Imitating Flight in Automatic Patrol Inspection of the Same Route

CUI Botao, DONG Ruijing, DENG Liangchao, GENG Wenhao

(Xinjiang Fukang Pumped Storage Co., Ltd., Changji 831500, China)

Abstract: At present, there are problems of poor flight quality and low positioning accuracy in the process of UAV patrol. Therefore, this paper studies the application of UAV ground simulation flight in the same route automatic patrol. Get accurate patrol path information through genetic algorithm; the laser radar technology is used to measure the distance of UAV's ground imitating flight; adjust the patrol attitude according to the actual flight situation of the UAV; the precise positioning of patrol inspection is realized based on the depth vision. The experimental results show that the new method can improve the flight quality of UAV, improve the accuracy of patrol inspection positioning, and provide technical support for the overall improvement of UAV inspection capability.

Keywords: UAV; ground lmitating flight; genetic algorithm; line patrol inspection; depth vision


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