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孙程 ¹ ,金灿 ² ,蒋破荒 ¹,黄星知 ¹,伍莹 ¹
(1. 国网湖南省电力有限公司信息通信分公司,湖南 长沙 410007;2. 北京洛斯达科技发展有限公司,北京 100120)

摘  要:为优化电力工程施工过程中的进度获取方式,该文以线路工程和变电工程为例,建立施工进度感知模型,通过自动获取电子作业票的开出、办结、站班会记录等信息,形成对应于施工进度计划工序节点的施工进度计算,从而实现基于电子作业票的施工进度自动感知,减少录入、编制作业信息的工作量,降低管理成本,提升监管效率。



中图分类号:TP39                                         文献标识码:A                                      文章编号:2096-4706(2022)23-0129-05

Research and Application of Construction Progress Perception Based on Electronic Work Ticket

SUN Cheng1, JIN Can2, JIANG Pohuang1, HUANG Xingzhi 1, WU Ying1

(1.Information and Communication Branch of State Grid Hunan Electric Power Company Limited, Changsha 410007, China; 2.Bejing North-Star Technology Development Co., Ltd., Beijing 100120, China)

Abstract: In order to optimize the progress acquisition method in the construction process of electric power projects, this paper takes the line project and substation project as examples to establish a construction progress perception model. By automatically obtaining information such as the issuance, completion, and station/shift meeting records of the electronic work ticket, the construction progress calculation corresponding to the construction progress node of the construction schedule plan is formed, so as to realize the automatic perception of the construction progress based on the electronic work ticket, reduce the workload of the entry personnel and the preparation personnel, reduce management costs and improve regulatory efficiency.

Keywords: electronic work ticket; construction progress; perception model; progress calculation


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