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(浙大网新系统工程有限公司,浙江 杭州 310012)

摘  要:道路、隧道、桥梁作为交通基础设施的重要组成部分,为经济社会的发展做出了关键性的贡献。随着路桥隧的数量不断增加,众多的路桥隧设施需要进行管养,以保障路桥隧的安全性和使用寿命。当前我国市政管理思想正从“以建为主”转向“建养并重”。文章将研究路桥隧的运维与协同调度系统,提出路桥隧运营安全综合监测与协同调度平台的功能定位和实现构架总体方案,并分析探讨该系统在道路隧道桥梁的业务辅助、养护管理方面的作用。

关键词:路桥隧;运维;BIM 模型;管养


中图分类号:TP39                                         文献标识码:A                                   文章编号:2096-4706(2022)24-0104-04

Research on Operation and Maintenance Integration and Cooperative Dispatching System of Roads and Bridges and Tunnels

ZHONG Juanjuan, XU Liang

(Zhejiang University Insigma System Engineering Co., Ltd., Hangzhou 310012, China)

Abstract: As an important component of transportation infrastructure, roads, tunnels and bridges make critical contributions to the development of the economy and society. With the number of roads, bridges and tunnels are increasing, and numerous facilities of roads, bridges and tunnels need to be managed and maintained to ensure the safety and service life. At present, our country's municipal management thinking is shifting from “mainly construction” to “equal attention to construction and maintenance”. This paper will study the operation and maintenance and coordinative dispatching system of roads, bridges and tunnels, put forward the functional positioning and the overall plan of realization construction for operation safety comprehensive monitoring and coordinative dispatching platform of the roads, bridges and tunnels, and analyze and explore the role of system in business assistance and maintenance and management of the roads,bridges and tunnels.

Keywords: road and bridge and tunnel; operation and maintenance; BIM model; management and maintenance


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