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大数据环境下基于短视频平台的校园文化 多维度聚合研究
(厦门华厦学院,福建 厦门 361024)

摘  要:互联网和大数据的发展为校园文化多维度聚合提供了宝贵的机遇,同时也给校园文化带来了更多的新鲜元素。短视频平台作为高效便捷的文化传播媒介,其在校园文化传播、聚合及共享等方面发挥着巨大的作用。大数据环境下基于短视频平台的校园文化多维度聚合,具体表现为文化内容聚合、文化形式聚合、文化管理机制聚合,以及文化人才队伍建设的聚合。校园文化的多维度聚合给校园文化的共享和创新带来更大的发展空间。



中图分类号 :TP39                                          文献标识码 :A                                    文章编号:2096-4706(2022)24-0111-03

Research on Multidimensional Aggregation of Campus Culture Based on Short Video Platform in Big Data Environment

ZENG Huiqiang

(Xiamen Huaxia University, Xiamen 361024, China)

Abstract: The development of the Internet and big data provides a valuable opportunity for multi-dimensional aggregation of campus culture, and also brings more fresh elements to campus culture. As an efficient and convenient cultural media, short video platform plays an important role in campus cultural communication, aggregation, sharing and other aspects. The multi-dimensional aggregation of campus culture based on short video platform in the big data environment is embodied in the aggregation of cultural content, cultural form, cultural management mechanism, and cultural talent team construction. The multi-dimensional aggregation of campus culture brings greater development space to the sharing and innovation of campus culture.

Keywords: big data; short video platform; campus culture; multidimensional; aggregation


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