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(中国民航大学,天津 300300)

摘  要:文章模仿民航客机高度计算方法,对城市物流无人机飞行高度进行了研究,通过对地区分区,对空域分层,对未来可能面对的庞大无人机群进行动态保护区划分,统一规划行程减少无人机相互碰撞的风险,运用卡尔曼滤波器优化分层高度,然后再基于卡尔曼增益的思想,将地区标准气压值模型作为预测值,与实际测量并经过滤波的气压值相结合,得到一个较为准确的数值,误差可以控制在 1% 以内,实验结果可以直接用于物流无人机运行。



中图分类号:V279                                          文献标识码:A                                 文章编号:2096-4706(2022)24-0120-04

Height Detection and Analysis of Urban Logistics UAV

DU Zecheng, HUANG Junkai, CHEN Huarong, ZHU Jiaming, DUAN Yuexiang

(Civil Aviation University of China, Tianjin 300300, China)

Abstract: This paper imitates the height calculation method of civil aviation passenger aircraft, and studies the flight height of urban logistics UAV. Through regional division, airspace layering, dynamic protection zone division of the huge UAV fleet What we might face in the future, unified planning of travel to reduce the risk of UAV collision, using Kalman filter to optimize the layering height, and then based on the idea of Kalman gain, the regional standard air pressure model is used as the prediction value, which is combined with the actual measured and filtered air pressure value to obtain a more accurate value. The error can be controlled within 1%. The experimental results can be directly used for logistics UAV operation.

Keywords: UAV; height detection; Kalman filter; dynamic system


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