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(武警指挥学院,天津 300250)

摘  要:联合作战条件下,战场态势信息多源异构,数据量大,更新频率高,传统的战场态势感知体系难以保证战场态势数据处理的准确性和实时性。文章基于大数据技术,结合 JDL 战场数据融合模型、战场态势感知 PFPV 模型、“OODA 环”框架下战场态势感知模型,构建了数据驱动的战场态势感知模型。基于分布式计算技术和分布式存储技术,能够实现战场态势数据的高速计算、存储、检索。同时,将多种机器学习算法与 JDL 战场数据融合模型结合,构建了智能数据融合体系。提出了面向任务的战场态势图生成模式,可以在保证态势理解一致性的基础上满足需求的多样性。



中图分类号:TP39;E11                               文献标识码:A                                     文章编号:2096-4706(2023)02-0116-04

Situation Awareness System of Joint Operations Based on Big Data Technology

ZHANG Xudong

(The People's Armed Police Command College China, Tianjin 300250, China)

Abstract: Under the condition of joint operations, the battlefield situation information is multi-source and heterogeneous, and the data volume is large and the update frequency is high. It is difficult for the traditional battlefield situational awareness system to ensure the accuracy and real-time performance of battlefield situation data processing. Based on big data technology, combined with the JDL battlefield data fusion model, the battlefield situational awareness PFPV model, and the battlefield situational awareness model under the “OODA loop” framework, a data-driven battlefield situational awareness model is constructed. Based on distributed computing technology and distributed storage technology, it can achieve high-speed computing, storage and retrieval of battlefield situation data. In addition, a variety of machine learning algorithms are combined with the JDL battlefield data fusion model to construct an intelligent data fusion system. A task-oriented battlefield situation map generation mode is proposed, which can meet the diversity of needs on the basis of ensuring the consistency of situational understanding.

Keywords: big data; distribution; battlefield situational awareness; battlefield situation map


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