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经管类实验教学中心基础设施数字化建设案例研究 ——以东北财经大学新实验教学中心为例
(东北财经大学,辽宁 大连 116025)

摘  要:以东北财经大学新实验教学中心建设为案例,基于信息革命推动教育信息化快速发展与应用的时代背景,阐述分析经管类高校实验教学中心的基础设施建设的新需求、设计思路、技术架构、以及实验基础设施管控和运维数字化的建设预期和效果,论述实验教学中心基础设施的数字化建设是高校典型的新型基础设施建设,在高校教学信息化建设和智慧校园建设中具有核心价值和重要意义。



中图分类号:TP311;G647                                 文献标识码:A                              文章编号:2096-4706(2023)02-0138-04

Case Research on Digital Infrastructure Construction of Economics and Management Experimental Teaching Center—Taking the New Experimental Teaching Center of Dongbei University of Finance and Economics as an Example

GONG Yu, SONG Xiaoxiao, WANG Jin

(Dongbei University of Finance and Economics, Dalian 116025, China)

Abstract: This paper takes the construction of new experimental teaching center of Dongbei University of Finance and Economics as an example, based on the era background of information revolution to promote the rapid development and application of educational informatization, expounds and analyzes the new requirements, design ideas and technical framework of the infrastructure construction of experimental teaching centers in economic and management colleges and universities, as well as the construction expectation and effect of experimental infrastructure management and control and operation and maintenance digitization. It discusses that the digital construction of experimental teaching center infrastructure is a typical and new type of infrastructure construction in colleges and universities, which has core value and important significance in the construction of teaching informatization and smart campus in colleges and universities.

Keywords: experimental teaching center; new infrastructure of colleges and universities; IaaS 


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