摘 要:为促进我国智慧教育的发展,文章运用 CiteSpace 软件对国内外近 20 年智慧教育领域的研究发展进行可视化研究分析。结果表明:国内外均重视智能技术、智慧教学系统与智慧教学环境的研究。相较之下,国内研究更注重技术、教学模式与教学系统的应用研究,国外研究与计算机科学技术联系更为紧密。未来我国可从完善理论基础、强化技术研发、加强技术与教育融合、转变教学模式、构建可持续的智慧教育生态系统、多元开拓研究方法与方向等方面推进研究发展。
中图分类号:TP391;G434 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2023)03-0095-07
Visual Analysis of Smart Education Research Based on CiteSpace Knowledge Graph
DENG Wenxin, LIU Huiying
(Guangdong Polytechnic Normal University, Guangzhou 510665, China)
Abstract: To promote the development of smart education in our country, CiteSpace is used to visually analyze the development of research of smart education at home and abroad in the past 20 years. The results show that: the research at home and abroad attaches great importance to the study of intelligent technology, intelligent teaching system and intelligent teaching environment. In contrast, China pays more attention to the application research of technology, teaching mode and teaching system, while foreign countries are more closely connected with the research of computer science and technology. In the future, China can promote the development of research from some aspects, such as improving the theoretical basis, strengthening the development of technology, strengthening the integration of technology and education, changing the teaching mode, constructing the sustainable intelligent education ecosystem, exploring diversified research methods and directions, etc.
Keywords: smart education; research analysis; development implication
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