摘 要:云计算是分布式计算、并行计算、效用计算、网络存储、虚拟化、负载均衡、远程控制、虚拟网络等传统计算机技术和网络技术发展融合的产物。随着云计算的兴起,企业用户也逐渐开始部署和使用云端资源。云端资源和服务提供给企业内部用户使用,是私有云系统的核心特征。随着业务需求的不断扩大,中国船级社上海规范所开始部署私有云,提供云桌面给员工使用,充分利用云端资源,为船舶软件计算、结构计算、流体力学计算提供强有力的业务支撑,同时提高了 IT 设备的利用率和管理水平。
中图分类号:TP39 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2023)05-0160-04
Optimization and Application of Private Cloud Desktop System in Enterprises—Takes the Shanghai Standards Institute of China Classification Society as an Example
PAN Yong1, YANG Qiangqiang2,3
(1.China Classfication Society, Shanghai 200135, China; 2.Shanghai University, Shanghai 200444, China; 3.Shanghai University of Electric Power, Shanghai 201306, China)
Abstract: Cloud computing is the product of the integration of traditional computer technology and network technology, such as distributed computing, parallel computing, utility computing, network storage, virtualization, load balancing, remote control, virtual network, etc. With the rise of cloud computing, enterprise users have gradually begun to deploy and use cloud resources. Cloud resources and services are provided to enterprise users, which is the core feature of private cloud systems. With the continuous expansion of business demand, the Shanghai Standards Institute of China Classification Society began to deploy private cloud, provide cloud desktop for employees to use, make full use of cloud resources, provide strong business support for ship software computing, structural computing, and hydrodynamic computing, and improve the utilization rate and management level of IT equipments.
Keywords: cloud desktop; GPU; virtual network; cloud application; virtualization
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